The whole country is a fragrant herbal pharmacy, and it allows the sun to offer us this wonderful climate. Country fields have in themselves health and energy, precious for our people. With spices and spicy herbs we change the smell, taste and colour of the dishes. Spices make them recognizable national and regional cuisines. In the past it has been a privilege only for the wealthy that these aromatic herbs were paid with silk and gold.
Spices have psychological properties, raising our spirits, repair character, not only of food but also the person who consumes it. Hot spices not only warm the body, but rather heat the soul. Some people say that they encourage love (it's because of its aphrodisiac properties), they have magical properties (aromatic substances) and so on.
Spices do not have any cash calorific value, so they can be used to enrich tasteless diet food. Many of them, because of the impact on the metabolism, provided they are consumed in proper quantities, are healing.
Parsley, most famous and most used spice with a very versatile application can be used practically in all dishes. It is best when added at the end of the preparation of food or as a decoration to preserve all curative properties. Parsley is rich in vitamin A, B1, B2, C and E. Parsley is a very concentrated source of phytonutrients as volatile oils (myristicin, limonene, eugenol) which assists in neutralizing carcinogens as aromatic hydrocarbons located in cigarette smoke and smoke from charcoal grill. The other kind phyto active substances in parsley are parsley bioflavonoids (luteolin is most important) that function as antioxidants and prevent cell damage by oxygen.
Basil through the past was considered a symbol of love, a sign of welcome and a passport that helped patients to enter heaven. Basil and other members of the mint family are valued for the medicinal qualities as a digestive aid in digestion, and as an antibacterial rinse.
Basil contains flavonoids as orientinot and viceninot, which have been found to be protecting the structures of cells and chromosomes from radiation and damage from oxygen. Basil inhibits the growth of many pathogenic bacteria such Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus It is thought that they are antimicrobial activities volatile oils such eugenolot, mircenot, limonene and others. Basil has anti-inflammatory effect, and is also a concentrated source of energy that produces iron, calcium builds bones, potassium, magnesium and fiber for heart health and vitamin A, vitamin C and manganese that free radicals.
The leaf of fresh basil or dried, are used for salads, soups, dishes with vegetables especially tomatoes for sauces and dressings. In cooked dishes are added before the end because flavor is pronounced. Basil soothes, relaxes and makes you drowsy. It stimulates the secretion of stomach juices which speeds up digestion and improves appetite.
Sage is an aromatic herb with a pleasant smell and tastes less bitter. Used in addition to sauces, dishes of lamb and pork. Sage is considered one of the most healing herbs. One of the biggest detoxification of the body, purifies the blood, improves digestion, reduces fever, relieves headaches and nervous tension, and has an antiseptic effect.
Dill is a Mediterranean herb that is put in salads, sauces. It facilitates digestion and stimulates appetite.
Rosemary is considered that it stimulates and strengthens memory. In ancient Greece, students placed rosemary twigs in his hair while studied for their exams. Only fragrant rosemary flavor, which is similar to boron, balanced rich anger is memorable. The traditional use of rosemary to stimulate and strengthen memory today is supported by research studies that have found that inhaling and its volatile oils that will give unique smell help improve memory and increase alertness.
It found that rosemary and its phyto-nutrients increase the activity of liver enzymes, which are responsible for chemicals metabolism and detoxification.
Thyme is characterized with antiseptic and fungicidal properties that have been known since ancient Egypt when it was used as one of the ingredients for the embalming of bodies. Greeks smell of thyme was an elegant way of respect for the individual, while Roman soldiers bathed in water with thyme to gain strength. Studies have shown that flavonoids and thymol have a positive effect on muscle relaxation. Therefore, this herb is used as a means to relieve gastroesophageal testinalnite symptoms such as vomiting, bloating, stomach cramps, slow digestion. Thyme is due to strong antiseptic used to treat all types of infections (viral, bacterial and fungal). The oil of thyme is used in the case of stroke, multiple sclerosis, atrogfija muscles, rheumatism and more. Soothing effect on the nervous system, relaxes and soothes tension and anxiety, thereby providing restful sleep.
Mint or peppermint is considered one of the noblest herbs. Naturally grow several types of mint. In our country there are at least five or six types. Commonly it is grown as a hybrid variety. These hybrid varieties are best known as tame mint.
Mint is a perennial herb that grows as wild and tame, is grown in gardens. By distilling the water vapor from the aerial parts of the plant and depending on the type obtained essential oils. These oils are healing and serve to remove barriers in the gut motility and secretion, and many other difficulties.
Since essential oils are prepared healing water, making allowance for tooth powder and cosmetics range and is widely used in the confectionery industry. From mint receive and antiseptics. It is known that preparations mint facilitate rheumatic pains, toothache and spicy supplement, applied in the food industry.
Mint is used as a pleasant, mild and not harmful light to appease or difficult digestion. Mint tea to treat diseases of bile, used anti-sickness, it is considered that calms the entire nervous system, act favorably against disturbances, headache, ringing in the ears. Mint is used against cramps in the stomach, stimulates circulation, soothes cough.
Mint has frequent use in cooking. Although not used excessively because of its strong aromatic qualities, it gives character to dishes. In some kitchens mint sauce is required for roast lamb and veal and jelly mint eaten with peas and potatoes. It is known as mint sauce and jelly placed in a fruit salad of apples and grapes. Here it is inescapably in mint beans in all forms. But mint is particularly acute in cocktails in concentrated juices and soft drinks. They are flavored liqueurs, sweets. Ice mint tea is not only healing, but also very refreshing during the hot summer days.
Spicy herbs and spices for thousands of years are a respected factor in culinary traditions, not only because of the taste but also for their healing properties. It is necessary to add only a small amount of spicy herbs and casual dining to turn into immersive according to taste and nutrition.