Open Air Water Museum Edessa includes the Water Mill dedicated to five human senses and water. The mill is organized exhibition for the cycle of water in Edessa, an experiential tourism program guided by 5 human senses.
A tree trunk with an electronic river welcomes children, parents and visitors by showing that water as an element and as an element always influenced by the way of human life. It is considered a renewable natural resource. This also applies to surface and groundwater. Despite "all but those in countries with severe drought in the hydrological year, the available stocks are limited and non-renewable, as they have no power and increased demand. Globally there are two major problems related to water. The first of these relates to the problem of reserves and the issue of water quality is deteriorating. Water as a natural resource issues of the most engaged role and affects ecosystems, human life and human activity in general around the world, will continue to be renewable only if the protect and manage the right man.
A set of slides reflects the presence of water in Edessa associated with the path of Edesseos River. He arrives in the city, creating seven channels which in turn generate 12 waterfalls, starring Waterfall Karano, resulting in geopark waterfall, an area currently designated as Open Air Museum of Edessa Water. The abundance of water in quantities and morphology of this region land formerly led to the exploitation and utilization of water power in the operation of laboratories and mills.
The program entitled "The Water Cycle in Edessa region, an experiential tourism program guided by five human senses," the visitor to guide the water, playing and aftenergontas experiential pleasant way, learns the water value, city of Edessa and the surrounding area, using the five human senses. Sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste ... the water tasting.
The water cycle, water journey from the mountains to the lakes, rivers and from there to the sea, the environment forms a special flora and end the geomorphology of the area, the place and the people who live in this in order to positive attitude for an ecologically and socially conscious environmentally friendly, particularly in matters relating to the contribution and contribution to water conservation and diversity of the local flora.
The Waternet project has been funded by the EU and the IPA-CBC 2007-2013 cross-border program
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